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The Omukwaniilwa of Ondonga Fillemon Shuumbwa Nangolo says the community is not fighting for the King and Queen Title.

He was responding to urban and rural development minister Erastus Uutoni, who, during a courtesy visit at Onambango Palace, said the title of King and Queen is constitutionally and legally incorrect.

Omukwaniilwa responded, stating that traditional authorities are not against the government’s decisions to stop them from using such titles but can take any decision from the government. 

“We do not have a problem being called chiefs. I am sure even our communities are not against it because even in the olden days, kings were called Captains. Thus it is not a problem to us, as we already have what we inherited from the ancestors,” he narrated.

Nangolo further said the only issue they have as traditional authorities is the borders. He, however, added that the traditional authority had never seen or received complaints of people wanting to be recognised as traditional leaders. But as the authority, they have to make sure traditional laws are followed as they are.

The Ondonga Omukwaniilwa urged the minister not to approve any application for those seeking recognition from the ministry, as there are laws to be followed as per tradition. 

He stressed the issue of cases which are now handled by regional courts, saying that it places a huge burden on the traditional authority, leaving most cases unattended.


Staff Writer

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