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By: Justicia Shipena

Omuthiya Independent Patriots of Change (IPC) councillor Petrina Shiindi says the management committee of the Omuthiya Local Authority is not complying with the local authorities act.

Shiindi said this on Thursday as she submitted a motion of no confidence in the management committee.

She said her motion is based on what she perceived as non-compliance of the management committee members to fulfil their duties, obligations and responsibilities in section 26 (1) (a) of the Local Authorities Act.

According to her, the management committee failed to comply with the act.

“In July 2021, the mayor’s office requested a report on the execution of items resolved by council. Instead of the management committee providing the requested report as required, they did not.”

She adds that the chief executive officers’ office attempted to report on the items resolved by the council for execution by listing about 23 items with no comments.

She also accused the MC of failure “to abide by section 83 and section 26 (1) (c) of the Local Authorities Act to prepare and compile the budget.”

She said Omuthiya Town Council’s budget is prepared and compiled by the finance manager.

“Of course, in consultation or with contributions from councillors and public members because our budget is a participatory budget. However, the management committee failed to comply with section 26 (1) (d) of the local authority act.”

She further said that the finance manager controls the expenditure of money voted by the council and all other money made available to the council.

“Rule 21 of the Standing Rules obliged by the management committee to report to council and that their report must be placed on the agenda of every ordinary council meeting,” she said.

Shiindi stated that the provision is unknown to all management committee members.

“Despite the management committee chairperson being in the position for nearly a decade.”

She also said the management committee failed to urgently execute pressing issues in the town, with land disputes being the main bone of contention, as the council had resolved in April 2021.

She further said all MC members are at a novice level of English proficiency.

“Hence you will find them conducting their meetings in Oshiwambo, though agenda items are always in English, and with no Standing Rules in place, as required by section 14 (6) (a) of the LA Act, they are always in violation of this provision,” she adds.

According to her, the members sign Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) without a sound understanding of what they are signing.

“On 14 February 2022, I called the chairperson to inquire about some information on the MoU she signed with Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia in November last year (2021). She had no idea of what she signed and promised to revert. I am still waiting,” she said.

Moreover, Shiindi said she has no confidence in the current management committee members.

“The level of commitment shown by them in carrying the duties as required of them by this council, they are not competent.”

When The Villager contacted Omuthiya management committee chairperson, Beata Nashongo, she refused to comment. She is on the council on a Swapo ticket.

“This is a council matter, and there is a right platform to address this, so I can’t comment.”

Justicia Shipena

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