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By: Justicia Shipena 

Namibian ambassador to Russia Clemens Kashuupulwa says there is no need for Namibian students studying in Ukraine to be concerned about their safety. 

Kashuupulwa gave this remark on Wednesday as the reports amid fears that Russia might attack Ukraine.

He said he informed the students that he was monitoring the situation and that they should focus on their studies. 

“They should be calm, nothing is happening, and they have reported that there are no attacks in their areas. Some of them are in the sixth or fifth year, and they should not be worried about this propaganda being spread,” he said. 

Kashuupulwa also informed the parents and the Namibian nation that the reports on the war between the two countries are not what is happening on the ground. 

“Let the parents leave the student to continue their studies and not scare them with the reports. The situation here on the ground is normal. It’s business as usual. There is no war,” he expressed. 

According to him, the latest information he got indicates that Russian troops are withdrawing along the borders of Russia and Ukraine. 

 “They also told me that their troops are just in their country for the security of their people, and they are not there to attack,” he stated.  

Thus, he said that the host government assured him that they had no intention to attack Ukraine. 

“When I spoke to the students, I gave them the assurance that there is no plan for Russia to invade Ukraine.” 

Kashuupulwa further said that what is happening is mere propaganda by the western countries and the US alliance. 

“They are scaring people, but there is nothing like that in reality. I don’t know why they spread such propaganda throughout the world. They came up with rumours that scare people, including our students in Ukraine,” said Kashuupulwa.

A first-year medical student Opoili Kavela told The Villager that he is worried and does not know what to do.

Kavala resides in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv. 

“Should I fly back home, or should I say here? Because at this point, I don’t know if the conflict will turn into a war,” he said, adding that nothing is happening to the foreigners in Ukraine. 

“Here, life is carrying on, and no one is panicking even the locals are going to work and school, shops are still open, everything is okay.” 

However, Kavala said some foreigners left the country a few days ago. 

Namibia has no embassy in Ukraine, but students report to the office in Russia. 

Kavala claims that he hasn’t heard any news from the embassy addressing the situation. 

“We are lost, we have no direction, we are trying not to panic because panicking makes the situation worse”.

He expressed that the Ukrainian people are showing unity. 

“The crisis has affected my studies badly. Right now, the school has moved all our lectures online, and it’s very difficult to study medicine online and partake in the lectures online because so many things have been happening, such as the Internet connection.”

Another student in Russia said the media is exaggerating. “There is no war, but Russia has sent troops to the borders. Maybe this is why the media thinks Russia wants to fight,” she said. 

On Wednesday, international relations executive director Penda Naanda also said Namibia is monitoring and following developments closely.”  

“We take courage in the fact that Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, emphasised that Russia would not invade Ukraine on several occasions. This was confirmed in a diplomatic briefing in Moscow,” he said. 

Naanda saidNamibia’ss Embassy in Moscow is collaborating with the Embassy of South Africa in Ukraine and other SADC missions in Russia.

“The South African ambassador ensured his Namibian counterpart that the situation in Kyiv remains calm and that South Africa has no plans to evacuate its citizens from Ukraine yet.”

According to him, the embassy is close to the Namibian students studying in Ukraine. 

On Monday, the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, said that there were no alternatives to diplomacy amidst the rising tensions in eastern Europe.

 “I am deeply worried by the heightened tensions and increased speculation about a potential military conflict in Europe,” he had said.

While US president Joe Biden said, there is still a possible evasion by Russia despite initiating the withdrawal of troops at its borders. 

Justicia Shipena

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