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By: Uakutura Kambaekua

Newly crowned Ovaherero Paramount Chief professor Mutjinde Katjiua’s role came under fire from the faction in support of Ovitoto chief and chairperson of the Ovaherero Traditional Authority ombara Vipuira Kapuuo.

Kapuuo disputes Katjiua’s inauguration, citing that he is still a mere subject of OTA and therefore doesn’t have any locus standi in the OTA hence his adoption.

Despite divisions amongst OTA senior councillors, Katjiua’s adoption as PC dashed ahead over the weekend at farm Omusarakoumba in the area of Okahandja, where he was crowned as chief.

However, Kapuuo’s faction has maintained and discredited the whole process describing it as unlawful and immoral. Chief Kapuuo’s spokesperson Uazuva Kaumbi told The Villager that they are aware of Katjiua’s adoption as the purported OTA chief, but they are yet to fathom how an unconstitutional process brought about the conclusion of such a vital position in the community without the approval of all those involved.

Kaumbi also said that Katjiua’s position amounts to no status amongst the Ovaherero people in terms of the act, and it was already confirmed by the court cases which they lost.

“His designation does not hold any authority in the OTA. We don’t really care what he does or says, as far as we are concerned, it is just a lot of hot air. We are in the process of rectifying this situation, we have lodged a review application with the High Court, and it’s in the process now. We are hoping that this court case will provide clarity regarding our customary laws in terms of succession,” added Kaumbi.

He noted that they remain confident and will thus ignore the “noise” around them. “We shall remain focused on our case, and we are confident that the outcome of the case will provide clarity on the matter at hand,” said Kaumbi.

Moreover, Kaumbi stated that the PC succession process should be restarted. “We need to restart the process, go back to June 2021, during the passing of Rukoro, before the formation of the transitional committee. The way forward is to move on with the succession process,” he said.

During the Okahandja commemoration on Sunday, ombara Kapuuo called for interested candidates to provide their names for the succession race.

The ongoing court case application under review, according to Kaumbi, is seeking to set aside all decisions undertaken at Onderombapa by the transitional committee as these were the meetings that led to the purported designation of professor Katjiua as paramount chief.

Kaumbi also said the two parties are open to talks in seeking for amicable solution in the name of unity. Upon enquiry by this publication, Prof Katjiua stated that there is nothing new in regards to Kapuuo’s response as all these issues were the subject matter of their last Chiefs Council meeting on 24 April 2022.

Julia Heita

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