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City To Approach NamPower To Take Over Electrical Assets

By: Justicia Shipena

The City of Windhoek will approach NamPower and other private entities in the extended boundaries of Windhoek to negotiate the take-over of electrical assets on the outskirts of Windhoek.

This was revealed in an ordinary council meeting held on Wednesday evening after the council approved various projects.

The meeting then resolved that the strategic executive for electricity at the municipality again approach NamPower and other private entities in the extended boundaries of Windhoek to negotiate the take-over of electrical assets based on the outcome of an asset valuation.

At present, all municipal services are provided by the City of Windhoek, except electricity distribution, which NamPower still does.

The information shows that since 2011 it has attempted to take over the electrical infrastructure assets in Brakwater, Dobra, Nubuamis and Groot Aub.

“These attempts have so far been unsuccessful because NamPower requires compensation for the alienation of the assets to the CoW,” it said.

The meeting outcomes show that the city council approved alienated housing construction under the affordable housing programme.

This means the City will now commence its council housing programme through a pilot project on eight residential-zoned erven in Khomasdal.

A press statement released after the meeting states that the council earlier resolved to enter the affordable housing space and accelerate the provision of housing within the City.

“The construction of eight houses in Khomasdal expands the construction of affordable houses from informal settlements to other parts of the City,” it reads.

According to the City’s communication department, this will be the first time that council will alienate houses, not just serviced erven.

The erven where the houses will be constructed is situated at the corner of Sigma and Visarend streets in Windhoek’s Khomasdal.

“Council has previously only alienated serviced land; therefore, the sale of improved erven, specifically with a completed housing structure, is new to the alienation process,” said the City.

The council also approved energy audit recommendations and an implementation plan for council buildings.

Before approval, the City said an energy audit pilot exercise was undertaken by the City’s electricity department in partnership with the Namibia University of Science and Technology (Nust) on the department’s office block and the City’s headquarters.

This was to determine the best way to reduce the electricity bill of the two buildings.

The audit methodology will then be used to roll out the same measures to all other municipal buildings.

“The cost of implementing the audit recommendations at the two buildings is N$3 190 000. The investment has a payback period of 2.95 years and a return on investment of 239.11 per cent for the electricity department building. Similarly, the payback period for a townhouse is 2.4 years, and the return on investment here is 324.78 per cent,” the City added.

Moreover, on the electricity pre-paid token identifier roll-over project – Standard Transfer Specifications (STS) compliance, the City said older meters need replacement with STS meters to manage the token identifier roll-over process to prevent meters from running out of range.

Currently, the City has 54 009 installed pre-paid electricity meters with annual revenue of over N$533 000 000. The council also approved this plan, and prepayment meters require entering two key change tokens to reset each meter to a new reference base date.

Council also approved the sale of erf 10812 in Katutura, which was sold to the Motor Vehicle Accident Fund (MVA).

The City says MVA will use the N$21 000 000 erf to establish a trauma and rehabilitation centre.

Finally, the council approved an application to lease air rights over a street portion of erf 1370, Kleine Kuppe (Ombika Street), to connect with the Lady Pohamba Private Hospital. This will be done for 20 years at a monthly rental of N$23 766.

“The air right lease will allow the erection of structures to extend from erf 1367 to erf 1369, Kleine Kuppe, without impeding traffic flow on Ombika Street (erf 1370, Kleine Kuppe).”

Justicia Shipena

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