By: Dolly Menas
According to founder of Pro-life Namibia, Sasha Louw, every day an estimated 125 000 abortions take place across the world.
She said that companies such as Planned Parenthood in America are profiting daily for their “service” of terminating pregnancies with black women in America being almost four times more likely to have an abortion than white women.
“In New York, it is common for more black babies to be aborted than to be born alive in a given year,” she said.
She also said that it is also known that western influencers offer financial incentives for the countries that succeed in the liberalization of abortion laws.
“So much energy and so many resources are spent in order to take lives, while our focus ever evades the heart of the issue, protecting the human rights of our most vulnerable while addressing issues such as fatherlessness and poverty in our communities,” Louw said.
Louw also said that while abortion undermines the value of human life as a whole, it turns out that it is unabashedly racist too, yet the people are debating bringing such an ill-meaning notion onto our soil.
She added that the answer to baby dumping lies in the accessibility of supportive infrastructure and the continual striving toward educating fellow Namibians on healthier options regarding family planning and issues of stigma.
“How will that look? What steps would we take in order to begin the journey of empowering our people who find themselves in these situations? These are the conversations we should be having,” she said.
Louw stamped that there is nothing reasonable or empowering about offering the service of taking someone’s child’s life and then sending them back to the situation they came from.
She added that abortion is an action of taking the life of a human that was developing up to the point the life was ended.
She further said that there are many organisations in the country which offer a lift-up for those who are in desperate need of the service, such as Ruach Elohim, Hope Village, SOS Childrens Village, A Baby’s Cry Foundation, Lidar Community Foundation, Side-by-Side Early Intervention Centre and more.
“Support these in whichever way you are able,” she said.
Louw emphasized that African culture is one of life, of reaching out andof joining hands.
She also said that in the critical time where abortion law reform is being discussed in Namibia, people are being called to reckon not only with their own lives but being told that they have the right to reckon with the right to life of another.
“As a nation we must come against such notion with full force and protect our most vulnerable. We must find it within ourselves to rise above the utter apathy and even contempt we extend toward this life and death issue,” Louw said.
“At the heart of the baby dumping issue lies a desperate mother who feels there is no way out of her situation. It is within our meansnot only to save the child, but to equip the mother to better address her circumstances,” she submitted.