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The Ministry of Mines and Energy (“MME”) and Reconnaissance Energy Africa “ReconAfrica” have this morning announced preliminary analysis of the data from the 6-2 well, the first of a three well drilling program.
Both entities have said that the analysis has provided clear evidence of a working conventional petroleum system in the Kavango Basin.
“The well sample log of the 6-2 provides over 200 meters (over 660 feet) of oil and natural gas indicators/shows over three discrete intervals in a stacked sequence of reservoir and source rock. Extraction of oil from these samples and subsequent fingerprinting for key characteristics of the liquids, supports an active petroleum system with multiple source intervals,” says the statement.
Mines minister Tom Alweendo is also quoted as saying, “ “This is a great period for the people of Namibia, with the results of the well confirming a big potential for a very valuable energy resource for our country and therefore a significant development for Namibia onshore exploration efforts.”
“The positive results of this well have provided us with the critical information required to unlock the country’s petroleum prospectivity and is the first step in the process of locating significant accumulations, we can now confidently confirm Namibia is endowed with an active onshore petroleum basin.”
Meanwhile, the tourism ministry has called for submissions from concerned Namibians until the 23rd of April to see if the company can be allowed to proceed or not.
Rob Parker, a Canadian activist who is currently pushing back against the project has said the ministry has given them a very limited time to make their submissions.

Julia Heita

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