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Mayors, councillors 50% allowance increase on the table

The newly elected mayors and councillors could be in for huge bucks if the proposal made to adjust their salaries go through.

The Association for Local Authorities in Namibia has made recommendations that could see the mayor of municipalities getting a 50% increase.

The letter in which the proposals were made is dated 18 February 2021 and signed by Katrina Shimbulu, the president of the association.

In addition, there is a suggestion to increase the sitting allowances for all the municipalities, town, and village councils.

The association says currently, only municipalities were giving a sitting allowance of N$350 across the board but this will change according to the terms stipulated in the Local Authorities Act No. 24 of 1992 as amended.

Until now, only the mayors and their deputies as well as the chairpersons of the management committees were receiving telephone allowances. This could change if the proposal is accepted to allow councillors to receive N$600 cellphone allowances.

Below are the figures per year. Please note that the current allowance is in brackets.



N$133 365 (N$88 910)

Deputy mayors

N$121 933 (N$81 289)

Management committee chairpersons

N$125 742 (N$83 828)

Management committee members

N$121 933 (N$81 289).

Ordinary council members

N$114 313 (N$76 209).




N$116 250 (N$77 500)

Deputy Mayors

N$104 626 (N$69 751).

Management committee chairperson

N$108 499 (N$72 333)

Management committee members

N$100 750 (N$67 167)

Ordinary council members

N$96 876 (N$64 584)



N$68 618 (N$45 746)


N$60 546 (N$40 364)

Ordinary members

N$52 473 (N$34 982)



Wonder Guchu

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