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By: Kelvin Chiringa

The National Housing Enterprise (NHE) has spent close to N$5 million fighting a senior manager who has been on paid suspension for two years, according to sources at the entity.

The business development and operations manager, Willem Titus, has this week been subjected to a disciplinary hearing during which the committee’s chairperson said the charges levelled against him did not warrant suspension.

In 2019, Titus   also accused the NHE chief executive officer Gisbertus Mukulu of spending close to N$200 000 of taxpayers’ money in efforts to get rid of him.

He was suspended on the 17th of September 2019 for insubordination.

However, a high-profile source within the institution who has spoken on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution, has highlighted that Mukulu is hell-bent to have Titus dismissed.

“The chairperson of the disciplinary committee made it clear during the disciplinary hearing of Titus, a senior manager who has been on paid suspension for two years, that the charges of which Mukulu is asking the chairperson to adjudicate that Titus be dismissed on do not hold.

“Then he was told by the chairperson that since the  managers who clearly demonstrated the “foolishness” of the board and CEO in a document that has gone viral in the media and public space and now public knowledge are not charged,  then Titus’  case is over and he must be reinstated,” the source has revealed.

The defiant Titus has been on record accusing Mukulu of lacking vision for NHE as well as making illegal orders.

Mukulu had also suspended four managers that had pushed for his removal and that of the board.

However, these have since been asked to be recalled at the directive of public enterprises minister Leone Jooste and Urban and Rural Development minister, Erastus Utoni.

Mukulu is now being accused of refusing to follow the ministerial directive on the reinstatement of the four managers.

He wants them to be disciplined, the source said.

A purge of managers is also said to be underway despite a ministry sanctioned recommendation that an arbiter should be roped in to bring peace between the disgruntled managers and the CEO.

During the Titus hearing, Mukulu is said to have requested for a break for lunch and immediately rushed straight to the NHE office to write notices of disciplinary action.

“At least six managers at the head office and one from NHE Oshakati branch totalling seven managers confirmed to have received the letters shortly before 16h00. These letters were rashly written after Mukulu hit the brick wall in Titus’ case.

“Mukulu rushed back to the hearing and arrived there around 16h00 after writing the letters and issuing them so that he can exhibit them in his quest to have Titus dismissed. He was asked by the chairperson if he knew what it means to be called incompetent in public?

“It is apparently equal to being a fool and the chairperson said at least Titus said it in a “mild” manner because it was in a closed meeting unlike managers who documented the CEO and Board’s foolishness and the document found its way in the public space and media.

“That is what prompted Mukulu to defy the two ministers’ recommendations as per the investigation report and hastily wrote the disciplinary notices to seven managers who signed the petition being referenced by the disciplinary committee chairperson.

“That is the same petition that gave rise to the suspension of four managers which was overturned by two ministers (line minister of urban and rural development and public enterprises Minister. When will he finish these disciplinary hearings of seven managers and find them guilty and run back to Titus’ hearing and go find him guilty and fire or dismiss all seven managers inclusive of the senior manager (Titus) that is Mukulu’s wish hence where we are today,” said the source.

Mukulu and the Sam Shivute-led board have been accused of failing to build 1 250 houses per year as per NHE strategic plan but only managed less than 600 in five years.

NHE is said to have filed no audited financials and annual report for close to six years now.

The investigative report which was sanctioned after he suspended the four managers also found him offside, highlighting that the charges against them were too flimsy to warrant suspension.

“His five-year term was renewed without any performance assessment report whatsoever in full violation of PEGA governing SOEs in Namibia yet he is not taken to task by anyone. What is it then?” the source said.

NHE employees below management level are said to have resigned from the Namibia Financial Institutions Union (NAFINU)

The Villager is informed that workers are claiming the union is in cohort with the current board chairperson and CEO.

“They are joining PSUN effective 01 October 2021 and employees are said to table the issue of Mukulu’s incompetence and controversial renewal of his 5-year contract immediately when the union representation become effective. PSUN has received a majority of over 60% membership of NHE staff as required by law for them to belong to a union.

“Employees are angry because Mukulu and Sam have been putting their future in jeopardy and Nafinu has been giving a deaf ear to the complaints. Employees don’t want Mukulu also and his incompetence and his protection by Sam and the powers that be is frustrating them to the core. That is factual and true,” said the source.

Kelvin Chiringa

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