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By: Andrew Kathindi

The Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security Daniel Kashikola says that the missing guns and ammunition from the Windhoek police depot may not be missing, and it remains an allegation.

This comes as both the Inspector general of the Namibian police and police spokesperson, deputy commissioner confirming the disappearance.

“It’s still an allegation. We are busy with investigations to see if they truly disappeared or they are just misplaced. If they confirm they indeed disappeared, we’ll come to you. If it is not, we’ll still come to you. The information we have is classified with us.”

Kashikola was responding to questions posed by popular democratic movement member of parliament, Kazeongere Tjeundo, in the national assembly on Wednesday afternoon.

Tjeundo wanted to know what measures the ministry was taking to prevent the firearms weapons from being being used for crime.

“It is alleged that there is a disappearance of about 90 firearms and ammunitions from the police depot in Windhoek. It is alleged that until Monday 15 the ministry had no idea in whose hands these firearms and bullets had ended up in.”

“Hence i ask can the minister confirm or deny the alleged loss of guns and bullets from the police depot. Are these guns and bullets now found and how did they get lost?
Where were they found and how is the safety of our guns and bullets in our depots? If not found, what is your ministry’s efforts to retrieve the lost guns and bullets and when are you intending to report the retrieval of these guns and bullets.”

This comes as earlier this week, Ndeitunga,  told The Villager that a  thorough report  into the missing guns and ammunition will only be available in two weeks.

Ndeitunga said that he had received a report but he sent it back as it was not thorough enough.

“The report came, but I sent it back because they needed more time. The area to be covered by the verification is huge. I wanted them to do the complete verification. Hence, I sent them back, and I gave them more time. It will be available within two  weeks,” he told The Villager.

Around 90 weapons are believed to have gone missing from the police depot in Windhoek when the discovery was reported on Wednesday last week.

Ndeitunga also said that he is concerned that criminals could use the missing weapons
in the meantime.

“We are all concerned. The verification is not the only method we are using currently. We have other means and underground work that we are using to work on the issue.”

Shikwambi had also confirmed to The Villager that arms are missing, and that an investigation is ongoing. She however said the central depot of the police was not broken into.

“However, it was discovered that it was open, and arms and ammunition are missing.”

Julia Heita

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