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Dr Itula tells party official his resignation may violate IPC constitution


The IPC chief patriot Dr Panduleni Itula learnt about the aborted resignation of the deputy national secretary-general of his party on social media.

Patrick Shiyemo Kashera announced his resignation from the party on Friday night but changed his mind on Saturday morning.
On the IPC structure, the office of the national general secretary is the third highest position coming after that of the national chairperson.
He also contested for Kavango east regional constituency seat in the November 2020 regional councils’ elections.
Kashera did not disclose the reasons for his change of mind when Eagle FM spoke to him on Saturday.
He, however, said the party was not convinced with his reasons for resigning.
It turns out according to leaked WhatsApp communication that apart from learning about Kashera’s intended resignation on Facebook, Dr Itula rejected the bid saying the deputy secretary-general had not given convincing reasons.
When asked to confirm the veracity of the WhatsApp message on Sunday, Dr Itula said: “Why and how of interest is it to you. (?) Would your source not be able to confirm its origin and validity (?).
He said the one forwarded to him had nothing to do with Eagle FM since he was communicating with his councillors.
Later, he admitted he had written to Kashera. He also said he knows who circulated because of the codes embedded in the messages.
“It means the person who sent it could be within the first five people. Should anybody copy it and repost it. Some of them do not like the democracy in the party. Some like Kashera are innocent,” he said.
Kashera said he was in church and would call back.
In the long message (see below) Dr Itula said: “It is my understanding, from the document containing an election process accompanying the posting of your “resignation ” that there was a system of nomination of the requested Patriots by a directive from the Chief Administrator to, Ptr. Frans Kandjilu the Chief Whip Coordinator (CWC) (and to all CWC Nationwide) in which you also participated voluntarily.
“It appears that you posted the Democratic results, which clearly shows the Democratic outcome of your participation and used that as the basis of your decision. You refer to “nonsense” refers to the democratic results, which you, I believe, freely participated.
“Your “resignation” on grounds of our Party nominating Patriots on democratic principles, which you did not object to prior to such Electoral process, may be constituted as a violation of the very constitution you vowed to protect and that Directive.
“As a Deputy National General Secretary, you are one of the principal administrators of the Party, ensuring that the Party Constitution is administratively adhered to,” Dr Itula wrote.
See his full message below:


Good Morning Patriot Kashera (DNGS)

I read through social media your decision to resign from IPC, your Party you founded with other Patriots who have expressed their bravery to save our country on principles of Patriotism.

Patriots only resign when they cease to believe in the principles for which they took a solemn oath to be the Guiding Cardinal Principles of our political convictions in the best interest of the people of our beloved Land of the Brave.

It is my understanding, from the document containing an election process accompanying the posting of your “resignation ” that there was a system of nomination of the requested Patriots by a directive from the Chief Administrator to, Ptr. Frans Kandjilu the Chief Whip Coordinator (CWC) (and to all CWC Nationwide) in which you also participated voluntarily.

It appears that you posted the Democratic results, which clearly shows the Democratic outcome of your participation and used that as the basis of your decision.

There was no elaboration as to the lack of transparency in the process nor have you pointed out any violation of the IPC Constitution or conduct contrary to the Party Principles.

You have also not institute Article 5.28 to air your grievances to the appropriate entity which is the source of your apparent grieve.

You reference to “nonsense” refers to the democratic results, which you, I believe, freely participated.

The democratic results, therefore, in the absence of any other factor relied upon by yourself in substantiation of any invalidity, becomes the only and sole reason why you decided to throw away your hard-earned contribution to IPC. That appears to be sadly incomprehensibly unfortunate and in comparison to the suffering of our people, the reason for our existence in the Party, trivial in essence.

It is unambiguously the case that your reason for “resignation” was based purely on the Democratic results, which did not favour your preferred candidates.

Regrettably, the Party will not accept your resignation on that basis under any circumstances, short of violating your Constitutional rights in Article 17 of the Namibian Constitution. (Right to join any political party and conversely, implicitly right to resign)

Dear Patriot, DNGS, you, respectably, did not, in any way, object to the process of nomination prior to its institution.  In fact, if anything, in the silence thereof, you supported Ptr. Kandjuli’s democratic set up, hence your participation. Only to come out dismissing the democratic outcome as “…nonsense…”.

This is extremely inconsistent with principles of democracy…power if the people and not autocracy…power if the elite.

One could possibly not agree to take part in a 100m splint race, then when they don’t win, decide to resign from the tournament. Nothing could be far from dictatorial tendencies, as you previously agreed.

Clearly, as a Founding Member and one who, undisputedly contributed immensely to the growth of IPC, it is most unfortunate and undesirable (for all Patriots) that you seem to not accept a democratic outcome.

Democracy is one of the cardinal pillars of our Party, to which we all took a collective oath to adhere and uphold democratic decisions.

The process of nomination was a directive in terms of Article 4.52.4, which directive is not subject to debate in accordance with that provision.

Your “resignation” on grounds of our Party nominating Patriots on democratic principles, which you did not object to prior to such Electoral process, may be constituted as a violation of the very constitution you vowed to protect and that Directive.

As a Deputy National General Secretary, you are one of the principal administrators of the Party, ensuring that the Party Constitution is administratively adhered to.

As Chief Patriot, I as Custodian of the Constitution and its principles, has a sacred duty to ensure that the provisions of the Constitution are adhered to by all members without exception, in compliance with equality of all members.

You objected to the administrative powers to appoint members of the Party to exercise certain functions of the Party. In this regard streamlining and strengthening our legislative arm of our party as opposed to the administrative recruitment responsibility. This is critical as many of our newly elected legislators are inexperienced in their new duties.

Furthermore, that appointment of the nominated Patriots from Kavango East has not as yet taken place, and as such you could not use it in defence as the reason for your “resignation”.

Even if it had taken place, such is not dictatorial but an exercise of a provision in the Constitution which you were Party to its adoption after extensive debate. Grassroot Participatory democracy.

In fact, Article 9.57 which provide such powers, was extensively debated during the 2nd of August 2020 Convention.

Your resignation cannot under the circumstances, in addition to other factors in consideration, be accepted as an exercise of your conscience and as Chief Patriot, I would, on the basis of your absence of a reasoned basis for your decision invite you, at a time more appropriate and a platform more suitable, to further strengthen your comprehension of our Constitution and IPC as a collective political institution.

IPC shall always guide and assist our Patriots to navigate the difficult path of political infancy to its maturity. So, we do not as Patriots abandon our Patriotic duties.  If we can’t support and look after our Patriots we cannot seem to be able to protect the best interest of our people.

This Communication, in Good, is privileged and shall not be shared to any other than Patriots so deserving of its content.

Patriots …We shall never surrender!

Patriots…We shall serve our People!!!



To Victory!!!


Wonder Guchu

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