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The police said 1 332 cases were recorded during the crime prevention and the road safety campaigns that started late last year and ended on 15 January 2021.
The HoKaNam campaign started on 1 December 2020 until 15 January 2021 while the road safety campaign hit the road from 20 November until 15 January 2021.
The road safety campaign ran from 20 November until 15 January while HoKaNam happened from 1 December until 15 January 2021.
This year’s figure is lower than that of the 2019 campaign where 1154 cases were recorded between 17 November 2019 to 17 January 2020 and from 27 November 2019 to 18 January 2020.
Five hundred and ninety-one suspects were arrested for the 2020/21 campaign compared to 484 in the previous campaign.
There was a decrease of 13% that is 178 cases with the number of suspects decreasing by 18%.
The decreases were noticeable in
• Assault GBH 71 cases
• Inquest 40
• Culpable homicide 28
• Possession of protected game products 24
• Attempted murder 21
• Fraud 18
• Stock theft 17
There were 471 road accidents recorded and 84 died while 866 others were injured.
Last year, there were 550 accidents, 99 deaths and 1013 injuries.
Five hundred and seventy-one people were arrested for contriving the Covid-19 regulations during the festive season.
Two hundred and seven were arrested for illegal public gatherings. One hundred and five paid fines, 62 are on bail and 40 others were warned.
One hundred and nine people broke the curfew regulations. They were all asked to pay fines and warned.
For illegal sales of alcohol, the police arrested 234 people, with 101 out on bail and 55 bartenders warned for operating outside stipulated hours. Police also closed down 78 for operating without liquor licences.

Wonder Guchu

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