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By Nghiinomenwa Erastus

The Meat Board of Namibia has invited eligible abattoirs and producers to apply for the Norwegian quota for 2022.

The 1 600 tons are available to Namibians for the production and export of beef to Norway.

The Meat Board of Namibia (MBN) announced in an advert.

The quota is awarded annually to eligible organisations (i.e. organisations approved for beef production and exports to Norway).

The successful company or abattoirs will be selling beef to Norway from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.

The Meat Board has also highlighted that new entrants of beef producers (provided they qualify for production and exports of beef to Norway) are encouraged to apply.

The sharing and allocation of the 1,600 tons beef quota will be done under the ‘Cabinet Directive’ to export beef to Norway, in conjunction with the MBN’ Norwegian Quota Standard Operating procedures (SOPs).

According to the Meat Board, all required from potential beef producers is proof that the establishment is approved to export to Norway.

A ‘certificate of approval of establishment by Norway’ indicating the establishment number.

Applicants should also clearly indicate the total tonnage of beef they intent to sell to the Norwegian market during the calendar year 2022.

Moreover, the abattoir or establishment has also to show historic slaughter numbers and beef export volumes “indicating the capacity to export the beef tonnage applied for,” explained the board.

To apply for the quotas, potential beef exporters and existing entities who want to sell their beef to Norway have until 30 October 2021.

Meat Board monthly cattle marketing statistics show that the country has only five export abattoirs: Meatco, Beefcor, Hartlief, NNMP, and Zamco.

By 2021, only four of the export abattoirs have been active. NNMP has not slaughtered a single cattle this year.

Moreover, only one of the abattoirs is on the northern side of the redline, the newly revived Zamco.

By the end of August 2021, the active export abattoirs have slaughtered 38 664 cattle to supply beef to external markets- which is 1 757 more cattle slaughtered than last year.

From these slaughtered cattle, Norway was one of the primary beneficiaries after South Africa and EU markets.

The country export abattoirs collectively exported 4,43 million kilograms of beef (4 428,3 tons) by the end of August. Of this quantity, Namibia sold 1,02 million kilograms (1 112 tons) to Norway.

The monthly statistics also show that the export abattoirs and local butchers face stiff competition from live exports, threatening the availability of ready-to-slaughter animals.

By the end of August 2021, 86 Namibian producers exported 400 live cattle compared to what the country has slaughtered for export and local consumption (60 746 cattle).

More than 95% of the live export goes to South Africa, as weaners. email:

Julia Heita

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