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We do not know when a second wave will hit us – health ministry

Health ministry’s Dr Theo-Ben Kandetu has said they were not presently sure when a potential second wave of Covid-19 will hit Namibia as Europe gets engulfed by another storm of the virus.
The past few days have been laced with mass protests bordering on anti-Gender Based Violence as well as political mass mobilization which have seen flagrant violations of health regulations.
As Namibia looks on at the virus running riot in Europe, a tourism warm market, Nangombe said the crowds witnessed so far were breeding grounds for infection and a second wave.
“History has taught about the impact that large crowds will have on the spread of the virus and it is for that reason that it was decided that public gathering should still be limited only to 50 persons even in the context of us opening further and further.
Large gatherings have served to be super spreading events. Because Namibia has seen what has been described as cluster transmission, that is where the concern is. We do not want to see our health systems getting overwhelmed by an uncontrolled number of cases,” he said.
He also said more now needs to be done as some land borders have been opened at the same time.
Meanwhile, France has declared a state of emergency, Russia is now working towards a second vaccine while in Britain hospital beds are filing up again despite Europe having handled the pandemic fairly better than the USA.
“We have to act. We need to put a brake on the spread of the virus,” President Immanuel Macron said.
However, Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Wednesday said a new UK-wide lockdown would be a “disaster”.
As Europe battles the surge of the virus, health executive director Ben Nangombe who took time to answer questions at a Namibia Media Trust (NMT) organised zoom session expressed serious concerns on the crowds that are resurfacing again in Namibia.
New cases of coronavirus infections in Germany have soared to 6,638 in the past 24 hours, official data has shown today.
The highest number of new cases previously recorded in one day was 6,294, on March 28.

Wonder Guchu

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