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Police pushed to the edge – Ndeitunga

Inspector-General Sebastian Ndeitunga has said the police were pushed to the edge when they arrested the young protestors.
Asked on why members of the media were also arrested he said the journalists should not distract the police when they are crowd controlling.
He also said the young protestors did not notify the police of the demo in the first place.
‘We have no space to keep people. We (had) no intention to arrest them. They were told to displace and forcing their way to Wernhil. The law enforcers have the power to displace them. We should wait and see what are the charges. We don’t want to arrest and charge anybody. We may warn them. I will look into the merits of the case. It’s easy to claim whatever treatment or mistreatment but when someone acts out of the law even the media is quiet. Any claim of police brutality can be looked into. No one is above the law,” he said.

Wonder Guchu

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