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Government will assist latest rape victims in Havana

As government officials descended into Havana informal settlement to offer support to latest victims of a spree of rapes reported this week, some have come to say the government should not be heard to say that it is willing to offer help, but must extend urgent support so the victims may pick up their lives.
This view came out the strongest during a live interview with journalist Jemima Beukes who this week reported on a father that forced himself on the mother of his child before raping his two-week-old baby.
The baby could not survive the violence and later succumbed.
Responding to the shocking reports of this incidence of violence, Home Affairs minister Frans Kapofi met a 12-year-old who is the latest victim of rape.
He said the government was willing to go the extra mile and take care of the child’s needs, morally, materially and safety-wise.
Kapofi further vowed that the perpetrator will be hunted down till he is brought to book, issuing a warning against those that may be harbouring the criminal.
He also gave the same assurance to the young woman whose brother took two bullets in the chest from a criminal that had forced his way into her house, allegedly to rape her.
But Kapofi’s statement on government being willing to offer assist has not sat well with Beukes who said it must come to the assistance of the victim, willing or otherwise.
Kapofi could not clearly spell out what exactly it was that the government would do for the victims.
While he took his president-sanctioned delegation to Havana, in Rehoboth, the case of the raped two-week-old baby that died has been postponed to another date.
It is presently unclear if the president has or will also reach out to her via his delegation.
But MICT deputy minister Emma Theophilus told the media that government must come to the assistance of all these victims.
Deputy health minister Ester Muinjangue has said her ministry was ready to offer a social worker to come to the aid of the victims.
Justice minister Yvonne Dausab also vowed that justice will prevail in all cases as she works hand in hand with the office of the Prosecutor General.
Namibia continues to the gripped by an orgy of violence against women despite numerous protests by rights and gender activists.

Julia Heita

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