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Electoral commission welcomes new party, associations

Two new associations and one political party have received their certification in order to participate in the upcoming regional and local elections in November.

Eagle FM spoke to Simon Amunime, of the AR party about this condition that was fulfilled.

We also approached the IPC, and spoke to Immanuel Nashinge, about this certification that will allow them to compete in the elections.

“This was an element of where we got ourselves prepared, and to get ourselves out there and to get the fellow patriots to understand what it means to participate in a national exercise. As there is a huge amount of voter apathy.”

Nashinge believes that there are many Namibians out there who are excited regarding the upcoming elections, as he said that new dawn can be expected in terms of the political options for voters.

“We want to prove to the citizens of Namibia, that we are not here to just make up numbers,” he added.

On the question of voters who lost out on the recent supplementary registration, he added that a sense of common logic must be applied.

“It’s about time that we revisit the electoral commission of Namibia. Because for about four or five years they are on holiday. When the time comes to work, as the custodian of elections, they come and give people too little to register. This is very unfair.”

He also felt that citizens should be given about two months for this exercise.

Julia Heita

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