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Zimbabwe’s government says no one has been abducted

The Zimbabwean government says there is no crisis in that country, and no one has been abducted.

The authorities in the southern African country have also called on other leaders in the region not to lose perspective on the fact that Zimbabwe has for long suffered efforts to destabilise it by external forces that have a bone to chew since the historic land reform programme.

In a statement Thursday, the ministry of information permanent secretary Nick Mangwana accused political activists and misinformed individuals and global actors for the allegations.

“To set the record straight, there is no crisis or implosion in Zimbabwe,” Mangwana said.

He further said that there has not been any abductions or war on citizens but that like any other country in the world. Zimbabwe has been enforcing Covid-19 Lockdown regulations.

“Zimbabwe has been enforcing Covid-19 Lockdown regulations intended to safeguard and protect the lives of all citizens. Where necessary, the law has been fairly applied,” Mangwana added.

According to Mangwana, the images that have been circulated are doctored or old video clips that are highly exaggerated with the intention to paint a picture of a burning Zimbabwe.

“Zimbabwe today is peaceful, and all citizens are free to go about their business as usual within the boundaries set by the lockdown regulations,” Mangwana said.

Wonder Guchu

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