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Swartbooi calls defence minister a ‘dangerous man’

Landless People’s Movement Member of Parliament Bernadus Swartbooi called out Defence Minister Rear Admiral Peter Vilho for threatening political parties who are questioning the Defence Ministry’s N$6.2 billion budget. 

Swartbooi pointed out Vilho’s words where he says: “a well-ordered state is defined by a monopoly on the legit forces that allow domestic markets to operate.”

“This man is dangerous because the state is the political equilibrium between the forces and civil society,” Swartbooi said.

He also said by Vilho saying that there is a deliberate attempt to use the current economic and health crisis to drive a wedge between the nation and the security forces, he means to threaten those who are questioning the ministry’s budget.  

Vilho used the jihadist attacks in other countries as a justification for the Defence ministry to be well equipped and funded. 

Therefore, Swartbooi requested Vilho to present proof of any jihadist presence in the country and how they are dealing with it to substantiate his point. 

Swartbooi was questioning Vilho during the budget allocation debate in the National Assembly yesterday. 

Wonder Guchu

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