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Ombudsman receives 27 complaints against the police

The office of the Ombudsman has received fewer complaints during the lockdown and Advocate John Walters said the decrease is as a result of the movement restrictions. 

The Ombudsman received 56 complaints of which 27 are related to police brutality and correctional services as well as maladministration. 

Advocate Walters pointed out a particular complaint that went to the extent that the office of the Ombudsman had to step in and assist the complainant to retrieve a car as City Police had confiscated it. 

“It was an abuse of power by the City Police. They were robbing someone of their hard-worked earnings,” Ombudsman Walters said. 

Another complaint the Ombudsman received was from an inmate that said the correctional facility where they are located is overcrowded. 

Some of the other cases were from police officers that requested for a transfer to another location but it had not been realised as well as a case with the Rehoboth Town council.  

Ombudsman Walter also highlighted that coronavirus is an eye-opener and has shown Namibia that it does not have crisis management skills and that empty promises will no longer be accepted. 

However, Advocate Walters commends the government on the regulations it put in place and said it saved Namibian lives. 


Wonder Guchu

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