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ICT transfers N$20m between portfolios without permission

Information Ministry transferred N$20 million from the development budget to the operational budget without treasury’s authorisation

The Auditor-General Junias Kandjeke said the Accounting Officer did not submit the treasury’s authorization for 2 virements that amounted to N$20 million that was done from the development budget to the operational budget. 

Kandjeke said this in the information ministry’s Auditor General’s report for the financial year ended 31 March 2019.

Virement is the process of moving money from one financial account or part of a budget (a plan for how the money will be spent) to a different one. 

Kandjeke flagged another unauthorised virement of N$89 192 reflected in the appropriation account. 

The ministry could also not provide supporting documents for Kandjeke to verify the correctness of statements, transactions and proper recording of assets which limited the audit scope. 

Kandjeke said the ministry failed to provide supporting documents of the income and expenditure bank reconciliation for all bank accounts as well as bank statements for the MICT Khomas Regional Council. 

He also said the ministry did not provide supporting documents for outstanding commitments as well as stores and depots which meant the opening balances for the stock kept in stores could also not be verified. 

The Information ministry during the 2018/2019 financial year also underspent N$1 100 536.23 as a result of the travelling moratorium imposed by President Hage Geingob. 

N$ 341 407.56 was underspent in the Office of Minister and N$ 759 128.67 in the audio-visual media, copyright services and regional offices. Information Ministry Executive Director Mbeuta Ua-Ndjarakana said he will speak to Eagle FM on Monday. 

Julia Heita

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