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Hillside Christian College dismisses teacher for racist comments

Hillside Christian College has dismissed the teacher who uttered racist comments on her Facebook page on 7 June 2020.

The Grade 2 assistant teacher, Corien Steenkamp, was fired with immediate effect on Friday 12 June 2020.

In a statement, the school said that Steenkamp’s conduct was serious and unacceptable.

We all know that our actions have consequences,” the statement said, adding that Steenkamp’s services had been permanently terminated.

But the statement further said, they still love her as per the Biblical principles.

“Following the Biblical principle that God loves the sinner, but hates the sin, we want to clarify that we still love Ms Steenkamp, but absolutely hate what she did – we hate the racist remarks.”

Although Steenkamp has lost her job, she still faces charges emanating from the Racial Discrimination Prohibition Act of 1998.

Her comments were about the arrest of the two white men who are accused of being part of a group of five that beat a Zimbabwean street vendor to death at Otjiwarongo last week.



Wonder Guchu

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