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Erongo Grades 11 & 12 to delay resuming classes

The ministry of education says Grades 11 and 12 in Erongo region’s Arandis, Swakopmund and Walvis Bay municipalities will not start school Monday.

In a statement Sunday, the education ministry said the decision to delay the resumption of classes by Grades 11 and 12 was arrived at after consultations with the Erongo regional governor Andre Neville, Nantu and the Erongo Directorate.

According to the ministry, these grades will start face-to-face classes on Wednesday next week to provide teachers, learners and parents sufficient time for logistical arrangements, be it at school and from home.

The ministry also said that the Directorate will advocate and inform parents on provisions of Circular: FORM. ED. 9/2020 which deals with alternative schooling as Learning from Home (LFH) delivery model.

“During the next two days, parents will be required to indicate whether they would prefer to make use of Learning From Home delivery mode as stipulated in the mentioned circular, while the Directorate of Education, Arts and Culture will constantly continue to engage and facilitate strategies on teaching and modalities seeing that many concerns were raised in the Walvis Bay municipal area.

The Directorate will also explore the option of arranging official transportation for the learners to and from schools and central pickup points in Kuisebmund to assist with safe transportation. Further modalities on teaching and learning will include possible hostel accommodation for learners and the strict adherence to health and safety protocols at all schools.

Learners who might opt for Learning From Home should be assisted properly by their respective subject teachers through visual/voice recorded lessons that clearly explain the required basic competencies, new concepts, assessment-related activities etc. School-based assessment-related preparation should be done as required to ensure that the learners are not disadvantaged in that area as well,” said the ministry.

The ministry also said that despite all the uncertainties, fears and anxiety, “it is imperative that we note that all the Grade 11 & Grade 12 learners are registered to take their final examinations in NSSCO/H at the end of this year”.

“Therefore, it is of crucial importance that all stakeholders (MoEAC, Erongo Regional Council, Ministry of Health and Social Services, Unions, Community, Parents, Teachers and Learners) contribute significantly to ensure that the class of 2020 receive full support in all the required areas to make a success of their final year of formal schooling.

Whilst consultations are ongoing, private schools in these areas have indicated their readiness to reopen Monday and may proceed provided parental consent is sought.

The ministry acknowledged that indeed the road ahead might not be easy and may not be embraced by all. However, wishes to re-assure the nation that the safety of teachers and learners and all employees is paramount in all the decisions that are taken,” the ministry said

Wonder Guchu

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