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Education launches return to school survey

The education ministry today launched a preparedness survey to make sure the Grade 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 learners are ready to go back to class.

The survey will help the ministry decide whether to allow the learners to go back to school on Monday.

The education minister Anna Nghipondoka said the survey was sent to schools in all 14 regions to dictate their challenges and whether they are in compliance with the health regulations.

Nghipondoka is set to announce the ministry’s decision and the outcome of the survey on 31 July 2020.

The survey was set up in collaboration with the Namibia National Teachers Union (NANTU).

Meanwhile, the Teachers’ Union of Namibia held a consultative meeting last night with its members and parents to demand the closure of schools except for grades 7, 9, 11 and 12.

TUN secretary-general Mahongora Kavihuha said its members and the parents reached a consensus to stop the learners from returning to class as it is a health risk.

Kavihuha used the shutdown of several schools due to positive COVID-19 cases as the reason for their resistance.

Recently, three secondary schools at Karasburg closed after a teacher tested positive for COVID-19 and a number of others in the rest of the country.

Kavihuha previously said the academic year has been interrupted non-stop which does not create a suitable learning environment for the learners, therefore, wants schools to be closed except for those in the “main grades”.

The union is currently busy drafting a letter to the Education Ministry to demand that they close the schools.

Kavihuha said the ministry has until Friday to close down which is the same day when the Education Minister will announce whether the grade 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 learners are ready to go back to class.

“If they do not, they can forget about schools opening for the learners,” an irate Kavihuha said.

Wonder Guchu

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