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Curriculum: what has changed?

  1. The junior primary phase is from Grade 1 to 3
  2. The senior primary phase is from Grade 4 to 7
  3. The primary phase has 5 promotional core subjects, a pre-vocational subject and 5 support subjects to lay the foundation for the technical-vocational education.
  4. The junior secondary phase, which consists of Grade 8 and 9
  5. Pupils will write a junior secondary semi-external examination at the end of Grade 9 – like what the Grade 10 results were.
  6. The junior secondary phase will consist of 7 compulsory promotional subjects, elective subjects and support subjects.
  7. The junior secondary phase consists of 7 compulsory promotional subjects, elective subjects and support subjects.
  8. Grade 10 has been phased out as an exit point
  9. The senior secondary phase will start at Grade 10 and the National Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary Level (NSSCO) will be a two-year course, covered in Grade 10 and 11.
  10. Until 2021, when a pupil fails Grade 10, those under 17 can study the new Grade 9 curriculum. However, those who are older than 17 will have to enrol at part-time institutions registered with the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture
  11. The National Senior Secondary Certificate Higher Level (NSSCH) has been replaced by the Advanced Subsidiary (NSSCAS) level, a one-year course to be covered in Grade 12.
  12. The higher and ordinary levels will be like the Higher International General Certificate of Secondary Education (HIGSCE) and International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGSCE).
  13. HIGSCE is a certification offered by Cambridge University for various subjects and the IGSCE is an English language (like the General Certificate of Secondary Education) (GCSE) and is recognised in the United Kingdom as being equivalent to the GCSE.
  14. The Cambridge IGSCE and NSSCO will develop pupil’s knowledge, understanding and skills in subject content, working and communicating in English.

Wonder Guchu

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