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Nam Has Imported N$340.8 Million Worth Of Rice …as the promising Kalimbeza rice project remains dormant

By:Nghiinomenwa-vali Erastus
Namibia imported N$340,8 million worth of rice between June 2022 to June 2023, according to the latest Namibia Merchandise Trade Statistics Bulletin.
The trade imports are highlighting the market gaps that exist as the country progresses in producing its food, given the food insecurity faced by various communities.
Furthermore, it also posts questions on the country’s Kalimbeza Rice Project that has gone dormant in the Zambezi Region due to a lack of funds.
Kalimbeza, the only Green Scheme project in Zambezi was envisaged to be the major rice producer in the region if not in the whole country.
Last year government instructed the Rice Project to stop its operations due to broken machinery and a pump that is still to be repaired or replaced.

2023 is the third year without normal production on the 229 hectares of land in Kabbe North Constituency.
According to some of the updates acquired, the government is planning to revive the project.
TheKalimbeza rice was harvested and its three rice varieties of Supa, Irga and Angolasold at various Agro Marketing and Trade Agency (AMTA)shops around the country.
Insights from the Ministry of Agricuture have also indicated that the market was not the problem, as the rice was moving and at certain points, they also had to ration customers.
The import figures are now showing that the country spends between N$15 million to N$39 million a month to import rice.
Over the entire period from June 2022 to June 2023, the value of rice imported averaged N$26.2 million with the largest value of N$39.0 million recorded in January 2023 and the lowest value of N$15.8 million recorded in July 2022
On the supply side, during June 2023, Namibia exported rice valued at N$0.2 million of which all were re-exports and was destined for Botswana.
In June 2023, Namibia imported rice valued at N$18.8 million which was mostly sourced from South Africa and India.
Is not only rice that the country has imported, as of June 2023, the country has spent N$10.1 billion on goods from all over the world to satisfy consumers.
According to the statistics agency, the import value has however decreased by 15.9 percent when compared to the value recorded in May 2023.
However, compared to a year ago the country has bought more goods from outside as it has increased by 13.5% when compared to its value of N$8.9 billion recorded in June 2022.

Approached for comment, the Ministry of Agriculture’s spokesperson, Jona Musheko informed The Villager that, “we will provide information when the ministry is done compiling the information regarding Kalimbeza. For now it will be premature for me to give you a response. We will have information for you in two weeks.” Email:

Nghiinomenwa-vali Erastus

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