Author: Josef Kefas Sheehama

The Paradoxical Effect of Trumponomics: Lesson for African Leaders
By: Josef Kefas Sheehama President Donald Trump’s executive orders serve as a wake-up call for African leaders, demanding that they put public service and economic development ahead of foreign aid and begging. The time has come for them to…

Opinion: World Bank Economic Initiatives Propel Namibia to Prosperity
By: Josef Kefas Sheehama Implementing key long-term strategies, such as the National Development Plans (NDPs) and Harambee Prosperity Plans (HPPs), to advance Vision 2030 as a vehicle to industrialise the nation have made it imperative to accelerate Namibia’s…

Opinion: The Year of Expectations: Reflecting 2024 Economic State, Building Future Growth
By: Josef Kefas Sheehama As 2024 draws to a close, Namibia’s economic outlook demonstrates tenacity in the face of adversity. This year brought to light the challenges of restoring stability in a world that is changing quickly, from the…

Opinion: Reimaging Win-Win in Development: The Revolutionary Impact of China’s Modernisation Path on Africa
By: Josef Kefas Sheehama During China’s modernisation journey, the world community was confronted with opposing viewpoints on modernisation, development, and anti-globalisation movements. Concerning the direction of global socioeconomic growth, this intersection marks a turning point marked by complex…

Opinion: Trump’s Triumph to Benefit US Economy First, Then World Economy
By: Josef Kefas Sheehama It is crucial to remember that whether a Democrat or a Republican holds the White House tends to have little impact on American policy. Remember that President Trump will prioritise strengthening the U.S. economy…

Opinion: Starlink’s Debut Offers Opportunities and Drawbacks for Local Businesses and the Economy
By: Josef Kefas Sheehama Although Namibia seems stuck with underdevelopment in many sectors, there are opportunities for the country to industrialise, pursue inclusive growth, and draw in investment by utilising technological advancements. Recent news about Startlink’s potential operating…

Opinion: China-Africa Summit: Important Impulse Partnership, Security, and Economic Evolution
By: Josef Kefas Sheehama The China-Africa Summit, held last week was attended by 53 Heads of States, with China announcing $51 billion in support to Africa over the next three years. This comprises investments in infrastructure, industrial development,…

Growing BRICS Could Surpass the Economic Size of the G7
By: Josef Kefas Sheehama It is not surprising that the BRICS plus will usher in a new economic order if the group of seven (G7) does not pull up its shocks, as the group’s expansion presents new economic opportunities…

Namibia’s Uncharted Blue Economy Has Much Potential
By: Josef Kefas Sheehama Namibia has a huge opportunity for long-term economic growth and development through the potential of its blue economy, which could generate a significant number of direct and indirect jobs. The NDP 5 interventions can be…

Opinion: Namibia’s Rating Upgraded: Importance for the Country and Its People
By: Josef Kefas Sheehama Periodically, the Namibian government establishes policies to address the unstable state of the economy. Encouraging economic growth requires policymakers to put in place measures that support investment, innovation, and entrepreneurship. As an Independent…